Becoming disabled dramatically changes your life, especially if you are employed. It’s even more challenging if the condition of your disability is constantly changing or worsening. We know that can be difficult and we are here to give you ideas on how to navigate changing disability conditions. In this article, we focus on how to adjust when your disability condition worsens or changes over time.
Maintain Full Disclosure with Your Manager
As a disabled when your condition changes or worsens it may be difficult to execute your duties effectively. It’s therefore important that you maintain full disclosure with your manager and ensure they’re aware of any changes in your situation. Here are reasons why you need to disclose any changes in your disability condition
- For your employer to make necessary adjustments for you to be able to work
- In the event you are not able to deliver as before
- So that you can be assigned tasks that are less challenging if need be
- If you need to take leave from work to seek treatment
- Avoid workplace discrimination if your ability to perform changes
And remember that it’s important that all changes are communicated as soon as possible so there isn’t any miscommunication.
Talk to Your Doctor About the Changes You Are Experiencing
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make sure that your doctor is aware of any changes in disability or pain. It’s important that you understand your condition and what you need to do and also the impact it has on those around you – especially your co-workers.
You can help minimize this burden on your employer by communicating the doctor’s recommendations. That way your employer will ensure a favorable working condition. Medical recommendations are also important in case you need a break from work due to pain issues.
Request for Changes in Your Workstation or Job Description
The best way to cope with any changes in your disability is by making adjustments at work. Assess whether or not there are personal changes you can make that will help manage any pain, discomfort, and other symptoms associated with your condition better. By doing that you allow others to help you adjust to the changes you are going through.
Look Out for Grants or Assistance from The Government
Check whether the government offers any help to people with disability to enable them to make the much-needed changes. For instance, some governments offer grants to employers for them to be able to make much-needed changes and enable people with disability to work more effectively.
Also, if your condition makes it impossible for you to work you may be entitled to statutory sick pay. Some people may be able to work through the disability and keep their job while others might not. You must know your limitations, as well as what benefits are available to provide for yourself or your family if necessary.